Monday, 1 November 2010

The Preliminary Task - Technical Difficulties

We are trying to use apple macs to edit our recorded preliminary task, we are having trouble with this as the software wasn't recognizing the files and as we are new to the software we had trouble getting around the problem.

We solved our issue by opening the files with quicktime and saving them into a new format which the editing software could recognize.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is coming on well and the use of images is good to see. You might try using more video/sound to improve it further! You are missing some key elements. Where are the storyboards, animatic, productions schedule and prelminary? I know you have been having problems as you have mentioned it on your blog(exactly what you should be doing). Well done for coming back and doing work the other day this is pleasing to see. Please ensure your blog is update ASAP!
